Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Over and Above, God Supplies

Thanks to Sara and Nancy for all their work in keeping me updated on the funds that have come in for the trip.  To date the total donated is $1176.00.  The total expenses are $1082.93.  This amount was less than anticipated due to the cheaper air tickets.  This is more than I will need and I thank God for his blessings and the sacrifices some made to help spread the word of God.  The remainder will be taken as a love offering to the church at Gonaives. 

Thanks to Kirk Day for his purchase of the tickets on the phone for over an hour trying to book them. 
I have been in prayer about this trip and know that God delivers people from their challenges!  I am excited to be able to share this with the people of Haiti.  God loves them and has not forgotten them.

Thanks also to all who have lifted me up and my family in this new start in my life after making the decision to leave my marriage.


  1. God is great and he provides...its so wonderful to see that! I love that your thermometer is almost full!

  2. That is wonderful news that you have enough to cover your trip. God is good.

    Leaving a marriage is never easy but I am proud of you for making the choice. I pray for your happiness and all the best to you in the New Year. Sounds like you have many things to be thankful for.
