Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting Excited

Thanks to all who have helped me in the past get to where I am today. The Lord is truly blessing me! The additional funding received will go towards paying the shipping for the items we will be taking in. Today was a day off from my job at Butler Community College, so I went to work full time serving others, had lunch with Amy and took a walk and did some sit ups. Sunday I will speak at the DeGraff Church and they are planning a blessing of the meat that has been provided. Pastor Larry Womacks, Pam Lowmaster, Deanna and I have been planning this and I can't wait to share with them.

I will know more about the items that we can take tomorrow but we are planning on taking instant oatmeal, Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars, bubbles, jump ropes and stickers. We will also be taking clothes for the orphans. Jodi and Stephanie are putting together first aid kits.

If you know me, I'm not a flip flop person, I have no idea how some people can wear them year round. I will be taking a pair of sandals and extra pair of tennis shoes. I still need to get some tops, mosquito net, work gloves, space saver bags, batteries and Skin so Soft from Avon as they say it helps with the mosquitos and is a non aerosol. Ashley Burns who was previously there came up with a Lemongrass remedy that they took in to the jail, such a great idea. I should then have everything I need. We will pack our items in the space saver bags so we can get more and have more room for the mission items.

Some of you are really worrying about this trip and I hope that prayer gets you through. I am going with the Lord and he provides, he always has in my life!

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