Friday, December 31, 2010

Swimming with the Children

One of the things that we will be doing when on the trip, if there is time, is take the children in Kids' Club swimming.  Now this won't be like swimming in a pool so I am a little nervous but there is a first time for everything!  The house we are staying at has both showers indoors and out but no hot water.  I'm sure at night when I have the opportunity to shower, I will appreciate it!  I will be taking lots of baby wipes and facial wipes for during the day as well as sanitizer.  I am somewhat prepared for what I will see after being in Belize but that was on a cruise and I'm sure we didn't see the worst that was there.  I am praying for the Lord to bless me with the knowledge and guidance to make a difference while I am there.  I am also really excited to share when I get back and hope I can take lots of pictures.  This will be a challenge so I am practicing now.
Here is a picture, (I didn't take) but a great time packing meals for Numana this week with the members from the DeGraff Church.   It was a great time and wonderful to serve the Lord's with others! 
The new year will bring lots of opportunities for me to share my faith and service in many ways and I am looking forward to focusing on learning and serving!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First Mission Team Meeting

Tonight I met with some of the members of the team who I will be traveling to Haiti.  There will be 7 of us and we will be going early morning on Feb. 24th to March 4.  Lots of information was given and I will be shopping soon for some items to take.  I will carry most of the items I need in my carry-on and backpack on the plane so we can share the suitcase for ministry needs.  The team will be carrying in all our food and water so we won't have to worry about Cholera while we are there.  Monday I received my Hep A shot and soon will make my last visit to get the rest of my meds to take.  While the team will not begin on the orphanage as the hotel that was in negotiations was in the flood plain and the flood waters are high and so it was not a suitable site.  They are considering ground in the country higher up but nothing has been purchased.  We will be working with a Kids' Club, Women's and Men's bible study and a water distribution day.  Please be in prayer for the trip and our ministry there.  I am still very excited and have learned a very important word tonight- Pa Touche.  It means Don't Touch!  This is very important when we are with the Haitian people because they want everything we have. 

Jan Thompson will be back in El Dorado if all goes as planned, and return to Gonaives before we leave travel in February.  There are 13 orphans they have been helping so I am hoping to get some sizes for clothing so I can pack some in my suitcase. Every evening while we are there we will attend Circle of Hope which is a time to share our experiences from the day and praise God in prayer and song.

I am so thankful to the Foundation Board of the First Christian Church for their donation to help fund this trip.  I am blessed to have an awesome Church family and great support in all I do to serve the Lord!  I will be updating the funding number soon after I get a report. 

Just remember that Luke 1:37 says"For nothing is impossible with God."  This is Jan's family verse and I am in prayer that they may have safe travel back and be refreshed for our visit with them at Christopher's Ministry.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mary and Her Special Blessing

At this Christmas season I am reminded of the wonderful blessing that Mary had given to her by our Heavenly Father.  What an incredible gift to an extraordinary woman!  One of the most amazing things about her was she listened and followed the plan God had for her!  She knew God's grace was with her and that with Him she could do anything!  How many times in life are we faced with the human things that can get in the way of serving Him?  Knowing God is there to pick us up and carry us on our next journey makes all the difference! 

In Luke 2:19 it says, But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 
She was finally ready to enjoy the wonder of this miracle! 

Thanks for all my friends who have been a blessing to me.  Sometimes that's all it takes is blessings of others to come along side of you, for you to truly understand the grace of God!  A phone call, a visit to brighten a friend or something as simple as an orange to keep your body working right is all that is needed along with a prayer!  I’m so blessed to be able to be a friend to many here on earth.   

No news on Haiti this post but soon!

We are all God's children in this world!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Closer to Working Globally for the Lord

This week several friends in Christ blessed me with support to help me!  I am so blessed to have friends like Susan, Sean,Velma, Dick and Bea, Barb, and Nancy.  I have many friends that are blessings to me and help my ministry.

I am hoping this week the Health Dept. has the Hep A shot vaccine so that I can get that taken care of. 

I am so excited, and can't wait to leave for this special blessing God has in store for me!  Thanks again to my wonderful husband and all those who are supporting me in this ministry!

Please be in prayer for all those struggling with life's challenges at this time of the celebration of the miracle of Jesus birth!

Love in Christ!